Linnette - Nikola Bruncová

I’m currently looking at the photos Tomáš Hajzler sent me. He’s a guy who learns from life on his travels to be free, fulfilled, and to live meaningfully. One of his seminars took place in April in Moravský Karlov, at the cottage next to our house. The atmosphere, which touched my heart and took me back to that spring visit to our pottery workshop, was captured by a girl named Linnette. I’m sharing the link to her photos because they’re worth it.

It’s beautiful when you do what you love.



Sometimes just a boy, sometimes a man with a big heart. Used to be a helper of and engine driver, missioner. Currently lining thanks to my business activity. Lifetime searcher for a joy, which I feel I´m finally starting living with.


I got to know ceramics in my twenties. It´s a delightful handcraft, which helped me well-timed to find my place in this world. Pottery wakes fantasy and love for nature in my soul.

Our services


Part of our old country house, which was builded in the end of the 18th century by a German family, are cosy flats offering space if you want to stay with us for a while.

Ceramics workshop

Ceramics workshop

Come to have a look at pottery for home and garden. If you have some special wishes, we are happy to help you and try to do our best to make personal ceramics for you.



Creative meetings

Creative meetings

You are welcome if you want to try creating from ceramic clay. Potter’s wheel or just relaxing clay pottery making.

Places to visit

Places to visit

English version of text


Zdeněk a Helena Habartovi
Moravský Karlov 103
Červená Voda 561 61


tel. 777 815 909

tel. 773 206 793